Painting Banksia marginata for the Bett Gallery exhibition in 2023


Lynne was awarded the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Best Botanical Art Exhibit, along with a Gold Medal, at the 2024 RHS Botanical Art & Photography Show which is at the Saatchi Gallery London from June 14 - July 7 2024.

In 2023/24 Lynne has focussed on developing a body of works for this exhibition which is a study of 6 of the species of the genus Richea, a plant with ancient and fascinating origins. The majority of the species are endemic to Tasmania’s World Heritage temperate rainforests.

The link to the 2004 RHS Botanical Art & Photography Show is at:

Lynne is a Fellow of the Society of Botanical Artists (SBA) in London and received an Award of Merit in Botanical Art for her painting in the SBA exhibition Plantae 2024 which can be viewed online from 1 - 30 June is at:

As a new Artist Member of the Florilegium she contributed a work to Rainforest Species at Risk: Art / Science / Ecosystems exhibition in May 2024 at the new Garden Gallery, Royal Botanic Garden Sydney.

Although relatively new to Botanical art, Lynne has worked in the arts all of her life. Trained at the National Art School Sydney, Lynne practiced as a leading illustrator in Sydney for 13 years before owning and opening two art galleries, a ceramic and a glass art studio there.

In Tasmania, Lynne was Director of Arts Tasmania, the State’s arts funding body, for 20 years and was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in 2010 for services to arts administration.

Following a sell-out first exhibition in 2022 at the prestigeous Bett Gallery in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, her second exhibition of major works was held there in July 2023. The link to the work in both exhibitions, along with an insightful review can be viewed online at: